各類複習課程 Online Revision Courses
UCAS/JUPAS/Common App/UC Application
24/7 全年在線授課 或 在以下時段在各地參與線下面授課程
Available Online 24/7 or Join us Face-to-Face Session each year at following time and location:
Each July Intensive Revision Week in Hong Kong SAR, China. Each August IB Business Management I.A. Summer School in Bangkok, Thailand.
Each December Revision Camp in Chinghai, Thailand.
Schedule a Tutoring Session today!
微信預約課程 WeChat 7576 1314
Book A Class 預約課程
Finish following two steps before the class starts.
Step 1 Initial Consultation
第一步 前期評估
We speak with every student and their family to identify their requirements, expectations, and ambitions to ensure the support we provide is perfectly suited to each student.
Step 2 Tutor Proposals
第二步 培訓規劃
When we propose tutors to a student we do so considering their needs, style of learning, location, and language requirements. If a student and their family are happy to proceed we'll put them in touch, if not we'll listen to their thoughts and propose a better suited tutor.
Started Jan 1, 1970
1,500人民币Started Jan 1, 1970
15,000人民币Started Jan 1, 1970
45,000人民币Started Jan 1, 1970
10,000人民币Started Jan 1, 1970
10,000人民币Started Jan 1, 1970